The Young and The English

>> Friday, June 6, 2008

Teh prettiness that is 'English choir boys' - as I prefer to call it - has led me to rediscover my passion for fanfic writing, yeay me! But erm, as is expected, it's slash *lowers face guiltily*. I have written and typed up the prologue and is now going through the process of writing the first chapter from my notes. I know I should have kept writing last night but it seemed that by the time I finished taking down my notes, my inspiration was already fast asleep in her own bed with her Hing King Peter plushie, selfish b***ch! I just wanted to make sure that I had a spare chapter up before I even post anything and with this erm, slight delay, I'll just have to be content to publish it by next week. On the plus side, that gives me time to update my LiveJournal layout as well, so maybe it's all for the best. I might post it on by the end of the day just for the heck of it, though. I'm not gonna announce my account here coz there's children reading this ~ that means you, Byxura! Hahahaha. My stories are for open minded adults only, so kids and homophobes need not apply.

Here is my ode to the prettiest teenage British actors around...

Ed Speleers

Where you might have seen him

Birth date
7 April 1988

Jail bait factor
Didn't like him much in Eragon, but my God, look at him! I don't think he was even legal when they shot Eragon, but he is now. Go for it, ladies!

Final rating: ☢ ☢ ☢

Alex Pettyfer

Where you might have seen him

Birth date
10 April 1990

Jail bait factor
An Ed Speleers look-a-like. He's blond, he's English and he was casted as a spy at the age 15. I couldn't resist.

Final rating:
☢ ☢ ☢

William Moseley

Where you might have seen him
The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, Prince Caspian

Birth date
27 April 1987

Jail bait factor
Ahhh, my muse for slash fic writing again. Eh! Why do I have a lot of shirtless, nubile boys in my post? ... *wipes drool off keyboard* Oh, right.

Final rating: ☢ ☢ ☢

Ben Barnes

Where you might have seen him
Prince Caspian

Birth date
20 August 1981

Jail bait factor
Okay, he's not a teenager. Due to my OTP (One True
Pairing) issues, I just have to add him on the list, okay? See above on the list *nudge*nudge*wink*wink*

Final rating: ☢ ☢ ☢

Special mention to Skandar Keynes. He's set to star in the next Chronicles of Narnia instalment, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. We've seen him grow up from a bratty, self-centered kid into a level headed and loyal young adult in Prince Caspian. He's already causing ripples now. He's only going to grow more beautiful so watch this space!


LiXa the Mama Alya June 9, 2008 at 9:41 AM  

hail all the pretty boys!

Shareen Mohd Saleh June 9, 2008 at 10:00 AM  

Hahahahaha. Sedap sikit mata memandang pepagi buta nie kan? ^_^

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