Surviving Zombie Attacks for Dummies

>> Friday, April 24, 2009

OMG OMG! I have actually found an entire community seriously dedicated to survive Zombie attacks. LOL. I mean, and I thought I was crazy for obsessing so much about Z-attacks and what to, where to go, how to survive... that kind of thing. Yeah, it's kind or surreal and funny when you think of it, but better safe than sorry, right?

Visit the LiveJournal community here... The Dead Have Risen, How Do You Stay Alive?


  1. Organize Before They Rise.
  2. They Feel No Fear, Why Should You?
  3. Use Your Head: Cut Off Theirs.
  4. Blades Don't Need Reloading.
  5. Ideal Protection= Tight Clothes, Short Hair.
  6. Get Up The Staircase, Then Destroy It.
  7. Get Out Of The Car, Get Onto A Bike.
  8. Keep Moving, Keep Low, Keep Quiet, Keep Alert!
  9. No Place Is Safe, Only Safer.
  10. The Zombie May Be Gone, But The Threat Lives On.
- Max Brooks, "The Zombie Survival Guide"

I have always wondered this... Were would I go to protect myself from Zombies? I mean the concept in Dawn of the Dead was pretty cool, assuming that the attacks start in the morning and the shopping complex was closed during the night. There's still the security guards and loading guys who have turned to worry about, but it's relatively minimal. Hmmmm.

Where would you guys go to??


Sheri, RN April 25, 2009 at 12:28 AM  

lmao that is too funny, thanks for sharing :)

Shareen Mohd Saleh April 28, 2009 at 8:14 PM  

LOL try reading some of the posts on the community site. It's really amusing and strangely informative ^_^

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